Saturday, December 15, 2012

Filmvomit-1 Barbarella

While on top of KineCritical's B-List, which you should check out, I'm gonna start writing about movies here. Because while there are so many that aren't Bucket List material there are a bunch that are worth mentioning just for the fun of it. Plus I need to get in a better habit of just writing. So that's what Wordvomit is going to be. The occasional BitOFictions where I just throw out those first impression thoughts after seeing a film, reading a book, comic, ect.

So without further a due, 


This is Barbarella. Now I wont deny I find a good deal of amusement in old Sci-Fi, that might be because as a Midwestern I grew up on Svengoolie and the old broadcast channels. So at first I was drawn to the look of this quirky looking film. On the Netflix the film is described as "A shapely 41st-century space traveler must apprehend scientist Durand Durand, whose creation threatens to bring evil back to the galaxy. En route, Barbarella discovers the joys of celestial sex and has kinky misadventures with bizarre characters."... in a PG rated film. Bizarre was defiantly the word for it. So I was all ready for the turn to the camera wink lame sexual innuendo's and stupid one liners, but that's not really what you get. You get Jane Fonda undressing in zero gravity in her space ship lined in shag carpeting. All of which was obviously Jane laying on a glass platform which was suspended over a picture of the inside of the ship. Suddenly she's getting a video call from the President of Earth. Their greeting consisting of a salute with "Love", And that ladies and gentlemen is about where I sang "Hippies-In-Space!!" to the tune of Jews in Space (mel Brooks) ... but yeah, wasn't expecting a naked Jane in a PG film.

Apparently the galaxy has been pacified and weapons haven't been around for years; but some rouge scientist had been developing a weapon for an unknown reason, and was lost to an unknown planet, and you're the only gall with the diplomatic skills to save the galaxy (he tells Barbarella while she's naked). And so that's what kind of film this is. No, it's not riddled with naked with Jane Fonda, it's riddled with that free love, attacking the female for the sake of destroying her clothes, then changing for the sake of putting on new weird clothes, weird late sixty style of things. I.. I can't even... At one point Barbarella is put in a cage flooded with vicious parakeets, which is about as threatening and vicious looking as you'd imagine.

The film ends by Barbarella being protected by a bubble formed from her very innocence (I'm not even kidding) and an honest-to-god angle she hooked up with earlier flying her and the governor of the evil city off into the sunset... that was a thing.

That film.. wasn't really necessary: at all. But if you get a kick from those weird sometimes laughably bad films, and you're in the right mood with a group of friends; sure, it could be worth a laugh. But really this was a stupid, stupid movie.

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